Monday, 21 November 2011

A thing of beauty !

I never tie of making Yorkshire puddings. The excitement and anticipation that the whole process gives you as a cook is almost addictive. Hearing the batter sizzle as its coldness hits the smoking oil in your pudding tray and crouching down and watching them hopefully rise through the oven door window is as good as any TV period drama.
The size of your Yorkshire really depends on two things. You don't want your batter too thick otherwise if its heavy it will struggle to push it up just like I struggle at the gym to lift anything over 5 kg ! ha ha ! Secondly and I know this sounds obvious but the number of people I know who use self raising flour instead of Plain flour is too many to count. My sister did for one. She has a family where the average height is 6 ft plus and all have hearty appetites ! I put her straight and now she's known as Aunt Bessie ! ha ha !
The recipe I use is just a cup each of plain flour, eggs and milk. I get the oven up to 220 and the oil in my pudding tin smoking. Then pop it into the oven for about 10 minutes and then drop it down to 190 and cook until golden and a little spongy on the bottom. I am not too fond of really dry Yorkshire Puddings that almost explode in you mouth into dust. After all it is a pudding.


  1. trust you Amy ! but i get your point ! hope your well x

  2. I'm going to give this a try. Once I've mastered it, then I'm going to try it on an open fire. You never know it might work. Eitherway, if I blog about it, I'll make sure you are given all the credit, yeah? Too right.
