Sunday, 22 June 2014

London Calling.

 Cannot resist an offer like that pet !
Last years Taste of London Food Festival was good but it took for me to go this year to realise how much I had missed last year and how really and truly great it is if you love your food and everything that goes with it !
Last year I traveled down from Newcastle-Upon-Tyne to the show in a day and at the end of it I was truly knackered as we say up North as I travelled back straight after the show. This year I travelled with my Chef mate Alan later in the day in time to do the Thursday evening session and stayed over that night to do the Friday afternoon session also. Add to that another night stay over on the Friday which gave me chance to catch up with a Butcher mate of mine in Notting Hill Gate over several pints of beer and I have to say it was a lot more relaxed and rewarding trip this time .
On the Thursday evening trip around the show it was not as busy as it was on the Saturday that we went to last year. England were being nearly knocked out of the World Cup that night so that maybe added to the ease in which you could wander around and sample the food and drink delights !
I found everyone on the stalls delighted to hand out samples of there food and drink nearly as much as I was delighted to eat or drink them ! Michel Roux was there and last year as I said in my post then he was mobbed Rock star like for autographs. On Thursday night I noticed he was not as busy and he even winked at me and aimed an "alright" in my direction as he nodded his head. I just ran away giggling like a little schoolboy as I was in total awe of the great Chef ! ha ha !
Last year again with the rush to get down there I got caught up in the whole event and spectacle that the show can be and I had a rapid speed "down memory lane"  moment as I travelled through my old stopping work ground of Peterborough and London. Because of this I totally forgot about the whole point of going to the show and that was to Eat, Drink and be merry but this year "OOOOO Baby" I made up for it. If I have any advice about going next year avoid the Friday night or weekend sessions unless you just want to pose or be another pretty face in amongst a sea of "beautiful" people who go just because its the in place to be seen at that weekend and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that I might add.If you want to be inspired by great cooking, Chefs and ingredients go to any other session like I did because although I know I have a pretty face I would rather be stuffing it with the great food then using it to look like Im modelling for Vogue ! ha ha......Enjoy !

Get those tasting spoons out !

Theo Randall. A great Chef and a very very nice man. I asked him for a job in his restaurant......I start next week. If I go back to London. ha ha ha !
"....So Theo this is how I make pasta...."

Wahaca owner and Master Chef winner Thomasina Miers.

The face that sold a thousand meals ! including me ! 

Ametsa's Lamb meatballs with grapes and Tamarillo Ketchup. They know how to handle their balls unlike the English Football team !

Lots of sauces to buy. The food theme this year was American fast food made with a twist but there was a huge Korean vibe going on to !

Gaucho and their Churrasco de Chorizo. Spiral Cut then marinated for 48 hours in garlic, parsley, ahi molido and Olive Oil. Served with Humita stuffed baby red pepper.

Elena Arzak one of the best Chefs in the world had a stand here including a Spanish Fish and Chips !

Really nice cheese !

From the Restaurant Avenue I had a Boston Butt with Hillbilly Slaw, Blythburgh Pork, BBQ sauce, Spice Yoghurt, Cilantro slaw and a Brioche Bun. Girls not supplied with burger.

This was the best burger I have ever had. It was produce by the MEATliquor group !

Believe it or not this was a fantastic wine from......Thailand !

Lovely little processco with some fine cheese.
Well they were until they got caught !

Phil Elliot's kitchen team !

I think she wears the hat very well ! I did not !

" hello"

It would have been very rude not to sample what was on offer !

Thai food was all over the place. I managed to buy some wasabi nuts, Pickled mustard, and a fab smooth Thai curry paste from this very charming girl !

is to work hard !
Fun.....and poesy sunglasses were very much the order of  the day.

Cookery theatre. I didn't join in just in case I embarrassed myself.

I do now !

Alan top mate ! see you next year.....maybe the food show in Miami ?

Pretty much summed up the great 2 days we had in London !

"because I'm a V.I.P...I am dynamite ! "

This is why I tend to take the pics ! ha ha !

Ok this is not just me trying to steal a cuddle off two very lovely girls I am actually interviewing these ladies for food research purposes only ! Hannah and Vicky I worked with in Newcastle  for a company called Stewart and Co they both now are doing my dream job of working in the food buying department for two of the top supermarkets Tesco's and Waitrose. They live the high life in London too ! Great seeing you x sack the Photographer though !!!!

Spot the Superstar blogger ! ha ha !

Harrods...O how the other half live !

Really !

You can say what you like about the cost of some of this food but I could not help but be left very impressed with the quality of the produce !

A few other smudges.

Kings Cross Station.
Probably the nicest streets in the world ! 

Passed this Cake Shop at 2.00 am in the morning. You could see the baker making his produce in the back. 

A Ghostly figure in the underground ! No its Alan.

A Harry Potter type theme park dedicated to Jamie Oliver !

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