Thursday, 10 February 2011

me and my blog !

Well I used to work as a photographer. Mainly cars, motorbikes and people but about 7 years ago I thought I had come as far as I could in that sphere and decided to wander into a career that envolved my other hobby eating. I managed to change this term to a more socially acceptable word known as Tasting which seemed to change me from a food gorging, binging trough monster into a more sophistacted food affecianardo ! Well I would like to think so.

This journey led me into a career of burns, cuts and rude language as I studied and trained to be a chef. Yes it can be hard and at 35 years old I was told most chefs were coming out of the kitchen not going into it.

I want to talk about my cooking career a bit later as its been a bit of a mountain that had to be climbed alone and I although I love it I have not found my cooking job from heaven yet.

I will say that at the moment I tend to work mainly agency jobs which is everything from Pubs, Hotels, restaurants to Care homes and schools. Which makes work different and interesting on a weekly bases.

I have looked at a lot of Food Blogs over the last few years and the standard is amazingly high and not having the best school education (basic CSE grades) I must apologise if any one reads this and finds my literary work poor. This was one of the reasons I wanted to do this project as a learning curve in creative writing and get back into taking some nice pictures to illustrate my blog.

Although this is a personal journal of my thoughts I would love anyone to give me some constructive help on writing, layout in fact anything you might think help improve my blog and ultimately my learning in my new hobby.

I will except a few emails saying " this is crap goodbye ! " but thats not really going to help.

So if you stumble across this blog please keep coming back as I intend to update often.

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