Monday 23 April 2012

Enough is Enough !

I woke up this morning and decided to face the demon of Weight gain head on ! I know I have blogged this false promise of going on a health campaign before but the scales tell me I need to lose 7 stones.
For the last 18 months working in the rough and tough environment of service kitchens tasting too much too often of the the lovely food on offer and drinking too much Bud late night trying to unwind has finally caught up with me ! I am going to eat a lot more sensibly and start some regular exercise.

So Today I make a promise to myself to beat this demon and if anyone wants to help me with any tips or support me by accompanying me on any forms of exercise then contact me via this blog or Facebook ! Come on Kev !

From this.......

To this.......!

In a Year !

Time to send the Fat on its BIKE !!!


  1. Good for you. I bet once you start, you'll never look back. Take a photo of yourself after each stone lost. If it's too rainy to take the bike out, get one of those thingys that raise the wheel up and excerise indoors - Argos do them. Get me being a fitness guru!

  2. thanks Beach hut cook for your support. some canny tips thanks !
