Saturday 28 April 2012

The week in Pictures !

Libby and and her red nail varnish and a red chili both very hot and fiery ! ha ha !

Lunch Service.

A week of endless big tables ! Duck,Star Anise braised red cabbage and a Pomegranate Jus. Chuck steak tender, Peppercorn Sauce and Matchstick chips, Sea Bream with Ribbons of Root veg and a sweet chili sauce ! Service please away !

Went through walking on the beach and photographing Waves and rocks stage now firmly in love with Rapeseed fields. So bright and warming. Instant feel good colours.

Pan fried Plaice on a bed of Fennel puree, sliced braised fennel and a lemon Beure Blanc ! Well done Ashley for making me look good ! ha ha !

Ok its Saturday night at the movies time. Chased the Headless Chicken around the kitchen for 3 hours and then realised I had not put anything underneath my chopping board on the hot counter to stop it from melting. So it erhh melted and got stuck to the hot counter. So after a 70 hour week the last thing you want is your Junior Chefs taking the Mickey out of you  ! Time for a few days off me thinks ! 

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