Sunday 29 April 2012

Skate is Great !

For a very long time I have always wanted to try Skate wings. I love the seemingly aerodynamic shape of them and they almost look like a fish version of a Sirloin steak to me.
Ok the sirloin steak analogy is perhaps going a little too far as you have to work a little bit harder to eat these seafood delicacies as the flesh is encased in the bone structure of the fish which led me to perform a scraping technique to release its from its bones tight  grip.
If you do try Skate make sure the fishmonger prepares them properly and make sure you buy at least two wings as trust me one was not enough !

Pan fried Skate wings with a lemon butter sauce, capers and olives. (With a few left over tinned artichokes thrown in for good measure.)

So the Fishmonger has removed the large bone that runs along the top of Skate wings and he has neatly trimmed the edges of the fish to give it that aerodynamic look that I was talking about. Ok if you look at my pictures of my skate wings they are not exactly neat. Thats because I was cooking for me and not for anyone else so who was I going to impress ?? ha ha !
You Tube how to prepare skate wings or go on Jamie Oliver's web site as they have very good instructional videos on how to prepare these little beauties if you want to have a go yourself or if you are trying to impress someone !
Get your pan hot season and oil your fish and cook till lovely and coloured and cooked. It will take a few minutes only. Remove from pan and let rest.
The sauce is quick and easy to do.

About 100g of butter, juice of 1 lemon, a few capers and chopped Olives and add some chopped Artichokes if you like.

In the pan the Wings came from add the Lemon juice and scrape all the bits of the pan into the juice. Add the Butter and on a low heat incorporate it into the Lemon juice until melted. Next add your capers and Olives and give it a stir. The sauce is ready. You can make a much more richer and sophisticated butter sauce than this by adding white wine and cream but I think we have enough calories already.
Now pour it over the Wings and job is done. Enjoy !

Not exactly aerodynamic but Ive done a lovely paint job on me wings ! ha ha !


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