Sunday 6 May 2012

Week in Pictures

Ok working at Reception in a hotel involves going into the kitchen and asking the grumpy chef if their are any changes on the menu on a daily bases. Anna did not have a pen. " Wait a sec Kev I have lost my pen ! " she disappeared for 5 minutes and all she could find was the one stuck to the reception check in desk which she used to write down the changes. I think its screwed to the desk so how she got it off I will never know ! Class though I could not stop laughing !

A week of staff sandwiches envolved chicken and Chrozio

Not sure what this sandwich was but really loved this photographic angle !

Ashley had this bright idea of setting fire to the kitchen so we could have an early finish. It did not happen. He needs to try much harder next time ! ha ha !

At the Hotel we have a window which I have said before is unusual for a professional kitchen. Yesterday I kid you not a bearded man knocked on it and shouted " I hope you are good at it ?" "You mean cooking ?" I replied. "No sex !" He shouted obviously trying to be funny liking me peeling potatoes to some more exotic windows found in Amsterdam. His Wife (I presume) came behind him and apologised to me for his comments. She was Scottish. " Don't worry you carnet be as bad as him cause he's S***e at it ! " and off she walked. I don't think I will be opening the window for a while.

Getting ready for service.

We have a new coffee machine at the hotel. The lovely Kitchen food tester Becky made this one for me. She has been a bit under the weather this week poor thing. Get well soon Becky.

This was a Staff sandwich this week. Try harder as a chef springs to mind.

While the staff eat dodgy sandwiches this week I sneaked back early from my break on Tuesday and made a fantastic King Prawn and Squid Curry for my tea but do not tell anyone !

Another couple of the lesser photographed Northumberland scenes. This time taken in Alnmouth.

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