Sunday 13 May 2012

Week in pictures ! Head in the clouds !

Spent time this week with my head in the proverbial clouds trying to dream of what new career adventures are heading my way ! But like the clouds they just floated by above my head.

Have you ever looked at at blueberry up close ? Well you have now ! Ha ha ! I loved these little almost star effects on these plump little beauties. They tasted great too !

Although my breaks have shortened a lot over the last few weeks I still found time to balance a blueberry on my steering wheel and take this great (????) still life shot ! you the public decide if its art or fart ! ha ha !

Johnny is a young lad who rocks up on a weekend waits on a few tables and spends most of service treating the kitchen hot counter as his own private buffet bar until I threw a bread roll at him. bye bye Johnny. Anyway he is a great Sax player and is in a rockabilly band and has his hair in what used to be known as a 'Teddy boy quiff !" Good luck to him. Hope he has a great musical career.

Fish prices are high. Coley, however, is not and as previously mentioned I use it quite a lot. Last night it was very simply done with a minty pea puree and a White Wine cream reduction sauce. The waitresses cannot spell it properly though as it kept ed coming in on the check pads as COLI i really hope we were not sending that out !

The idea for this dish came from a smashing great book called 'Sauces' by Michel Roux senior for a Leek and Curry coulis which I then served with sauteed Chicken and a spiced toasted Almond crumble which I learned from Kelvin Gallagher at the Treehouse in Alnwick Gardens. Thanks Kelvin for making look great.

A study of Coli..ern I mean COLEY !

Saturday night at the movies.
After spending 13 hours straight on my feet without a break doing normal Chef stuff with only a couple of Luke warm coffees for company on Thursday it was nice to have the 2 young chefs back in the kitchen last night to do all the running around for me ! Ha Ha !
Thursday was a Chefs worst nightmare though 35 vegans for dinner eating Curry. I do not do a bad curry so quite enjoyed that menu but 7.30pm eats turned to 8.30pm eats then 9.00pm eats ! Any Chef would be grumpy as their food slowly over cooks but in a curry dish it usually it improves the flavour but as it was full of Roasted Butternut squash and sweet potato it can cause problems. The feedback from the waitress about the food from the people from planet Vegan was positive so job done in my eyes.

....Back to the clouds dreaming of a less stressful job....Uma Thurman's private cook ?.....Cook at the Playboy mansion ?....Cook for......what about going back to car photography ? been their done that ! Have a great week. I will get back to posting some recipes soon...promise !

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