Monday 16 April 2012

'It's been a bad day and please don't take a picture of me." REM

Well it's been a bad week really as a chef and I hope Micheal Stripe and REM do not mind me using a lyric from one of their songs as a title for this blog. Although I do not want to talk in detail about the week I have had it has left me questioning whether I want to work as a service Chef anymore and would I be happier working in a little cafe somewhere 9-5 baking scones and making cakes for happy smiling customers.
Anyway when I am in need of comfort I always head for the kitchen which sounds strange as I spend most of my time working in them you think I would take a break !
But food can make you feel happy instantly and tonight its the comforting feast that a good old English fry up can be.
I am not going to insult you and tell you how to cook a breakfast so here's a few pictures. Enjoy.

You can not beat a good British banger !
Mushrooms, seasoning and a knob of butter !

Don't make a Hash of of your Browns ! get it !

If the neighbours could see what I was up to sometimes..they would move ! ha ha !

Bury black pudding....the best !

The finished work of art.

You choose !
Red for me every time !

One of my prized possessions. A Homer Simpson food tray. After the day comes the comfort food, after the comfort food comes the..well Homers got it right !

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