Monday 4 June 2012

Looking forward and a few bits and pieces !

Ok I am not going to go on about my drastic fall out with working as a Chef. Finally the long days and stress that a busy kitchen service can be have as they say " Cream crackered me out " !
So this week I had to decide had I actually fallen out of love with cooking as well. The answer after knocking up (in the culinary sense I might add !) a lovely Monkfish supper is NO..NO.. and defiantly a NO !
It is just purely the Chef job that is not enriching my life anymore but I do still want to cook. The passion might not be burning as brightly in my heart anymore but it is still alight and now I have to turn it into an Olympic torch once more !
So what to do next ? My mate Alan who works at a local Carvery Pub in Bedlington suggested opening a  Cafe serving great simple food with a little bit of a Cheffy twist. Its a good idea and the hours (7am till 3pm) and the days (Monday to Friday) look good so that makes the short list.
I quite liked the idea of being a dinner party cook where I would wonder into peoples home (Obviously gaining their permission first !) and create a delicious meal for them and their friends all for £19.99 a head !
But I live in Ashington where if I did that the menu would probably consist of me being able to source the ingredients for the meal from the local MacDonald's restaurant. Chicken Dippers for starters, a 99p burger for mains with the salad removed and some kind of Smarties ice-cream for a dessert ! Tre Magnifque (Hope that's right Fred !)  I could be the first CHAV Chef ! Its got a ring to it so needs thinking about...not !

 My Chav Chef Uniform has arrived already ! Thank you Sports Direct !

I work with a 22 year old Chef called Ashley and he has spent time working as a Ski Chalet Chef in France. I quite liked the picture he painted of the job. Cooking for up to 15 people a night. Going down to the market in the morning having a look at what sort of food is available and then using your imagination to as Jamie Oliver would say "Cook up a pukka storm ! " in the evening for the guests. During the day he would be able to go ski boarding using his free pass and then at the end of the month count his tips ! (£500 was mentioned but that was Xmas). 
I do like this kind of seasonal job but it would have to be somewhere hot where I could swim in the sea and maybe learn a water sport or two. I do not do cold ! (wimp)
Ashley also mentioned a company called Book A Cook and Lumleys who employ private Chefs for the rich and famous. Basically you spend time attending to the clients culinary needs in their house in London and the other one they have in the South of France and when your not their you are on their private Yacht in the Bahamas ! Sounds too good to be true but their are people out their who can afford this ! 

Head Chef required for a Jordanian VIP
We are looking for someone dynamic and versatile to join a team of excellent chefs in Amman Jordan. The package is very well renumerated and this would be a one year contract with a view to staying for longer at the end of the initial phase. You would have responsiblilty for a large team of people and work under the Executive Chef. Accommodation included in a tax free package. Please enquire for more details.

13th July-31st August, Mallorca
We are looking for a good family cook who is happy to drive abroad and do the shopping and cooking for a family of 6-8 people. The rate is £100 per day.

Some of the jobs about at moment !

These top end Catering agencies have quite a few jobs about throughout the year and I might try and see if I can pick up a short term contract or two from them at the end of November when the Hotel closes for the winter to see what they are like. 


Not surprised this business idea failed ! You just would not go into a Pub and ask for a pint of foam would you !

Tree No.3

I love dusk during the Summertime. Taken recently during our 1 week of Summer sunshine on the way home from work !

Lets bake !

The stop start diet continues ! Turkey with chargrilled Butternut squash.

On my 1 hour lunch breaks recently I have taken to reading cookery books. This is the previously mention book from Michel Roux Snr on Sauces. It is a little more complicated than a book by Delia or Nigella but if you want to advance your cooking technique give it a read.

The Library shelf ! 

This is a great Veggie book by Sally Butcher (No I did not make it up !) Veggiestan. It has some nice recipes with a Middle east twist. I might try some when Vicky returns it to me ! ha ha !

Its starting to be thirsty work in the kitchen these days !

I swear to god we have a Poltergeist in the pot wash room. I was walking through the area late and alone one night and out of nowhere one of the huge pot trays came flying towards me at a great rate of knots ! This could be the Ghost of a disturbed Pot Washer from Victorian times ! On the other hand it could have been Waitress Libby being annoyed by me again ! You the public decide !
Free range Ban hams Chicken with Leek and Curry Coulis with a spicy Nut Crumble !

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