Friday 22 June 2012

Chorizo Hangover treat !

Most of the time after a day out on the lash (beer to you and I) you need something to help remove that hangover feeling. A good English fry up of Bacon and eggs does the trick but today I had no bacon to help me battle the hangover dragon.
Luckily hidden behind the bottle of Old speckled Hen and the half drunk bottle of Lucozade sport isotonic drink and then just beyond the packet of Kraft cheese slices lay nestling quietly was a packet of one of my favourite ingredients...Chorizo sausage ! Culinary heaven.

I know these babies are not the most prettiest of items but wow I cannot get enough of their wonderful taste. last year I managed to get some which had been made with Venison meat from the Edinburgh Food Festival and cannot wait in a few weeks time to buy some more.
Chorizo is cured and smoked using Red pepper powder which gives it its colour and unique taste.
I read in the great Irish Chef Richard Corrigans book "The Clatter of Forks and Spoons" that the best Chorizo is the Iberico one due to the fact the pigs are feed on acorns and when making the sausages they use the better cuts of meat. Richard also says the bigger the size of chorizo and the more irregular the shape is a sign that your on to a good one.

After bigging up this wonderful food it seems a shame that I am now doing a recipe that is helping me cure an self inflicted illness that I do not deserve any sympathy for. Still after a few too many beers you can feel like you are dieing so if this was going to be my last meal I think I would die a happy man ! ha ha !
Further inspection of the fridge I found a few tomatoes and a handful of mushrooms so into a saute pan I placed a little oil. (Not too much because the chorizo will release some of its wonderful oil when heated up into your pan to aid cooking) then I placed the Chorizo, the mushrooms and then the  tomatoes into the pan and cooked for about five minutes. I found a jar of sundried tomatoes in my cupboard and placed a few into the pan as well.
The fresh tomatoes should have broken down by now to leave a lovely chorizo infused sauce in the pan. You can now add some Creme Fraiche if you want to make a creamy sauce but I did not have any so added a dry cheese slice into the mix which seemed to bring the lot together !
A bit of toast was placed on my plate and then the magic concoction was lovingly dolloped onto it.
Fantastic flavours and a great tonic for a slightly hungover cook ! Enjoy !

Yes I know what was I thinking placing a cheese slice into my mix but trust me it worked a treat !

Another random picture. This time taken at about 10.00pm on the way home from work of Warkworth Castle. Although since last March I have been working up in Alnwick and beyond which is about a 50 mile round trip and as someone who spent 14 years travelling the highways and byways of this land and got thoroughly sick of driving and sitting in traffic jams listening to commercial radio and being able to sing every radio commercial known to man I think to get  to see views like this twice a day on the A1068 makes me feel lucky in a way. Except for the blooming holiday caravans I get stuck behind !!!!

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