Smudges of the Week.
Taking by me, for me for the love of Photography.
I am a Celebrity get me out of here !
This is a scene from a new TV programme called "Celebrity Dishwasher Challenge" where celebrities turn up in a busy kitchen and take up The dish washer Challenge we were lucky enough to have the Great Billy Connolly take a turn in our swamp. Well done Billy yer Big Yin Yeh !
What woman could resist Dish-jockey Lee's golden hair ! He is a handsome fellow !
Typical Saturday night Chef humour. A very pretty front of house person was kind enough to wish the Merry band of Chefs in the kitchen many good wishes on there forth coming Saturday night service but as usual our happy chappies of the stoves were as cheerful as a pint of flat beer !
Bitchin Kitchen, The Food Channel
While trawling the T.V channels the other night I stumbled over this wonderful vision of loveliness.
My heart leaped and that gooey love feeling entered my body. Before me was a Goddess of the Culinary airwaves and her name leaped off my tongue to a chorus of Angels singing and it was Nadia G.
She front's a TV programme on the Food Network Channel called Bitchin Kitchen and it is one of the best Food programmes I have seen in ages. She speaks in a heavy Brooklyn accent and dresses in a what can be only described as exotic kitchen wear and to watch her handle her kitchen chopper is a sight which would make most men cringe ! To say she is a little "out there' is a bit of an understatement.
Its really is hard to truly explain the programme so here is a link to one of her shows on You Tube,
I love this show but she is perhaps not the kind of girlfriend you want to introduce to your family ! ha ha !
The Knob of the week.
The highly paid Health and Hygiene consultant who came into one of the most immaculate kitchens I have ever worked in and was obviously looking for anything to pull the Chef manager up on just so he could justify his vulture like existence on and all he could complain about was the fact that the chef manager did not have a certificate showing that his Microwave had been emission tested..!!!!!???***K I have never heard of anything so lame in my life. As a good mate of mine used to say "What a W****r !" Its a world gone small claims made. However I took it to the local Kwik fit and I am sure you will all be pleased to hear that it passed ! However I have done me back carriyng it there !!! ha ha !
Mores smudges of the week.
Taking by me....for me...for....
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